
29 Jan 2013

10 Things you might not know about JAWS

"JAWS" is one of the classics and was revolutionary in the film industry for being the first ever blockbuster, everyone's seen "JAWS" so here are 10 facts you may not know... 

1. Steven Spielberg seriously considered training a real shark for the film before deciding to use a mechanical one
2. Scheider improvised the famous line "You're gonna need a bigger boat" 

3. Quint's boat is called "Orca" an orca (or Killer Whale) is a common enemy to sharks

4. Spielberg named the shark "Bruce" after his lawyer 

5. Brody's dog in the film was actually Spielberg's real dog 

6. Quints name comes from the Latin word for "fifth" because he is the fifth person in the film to be eaten by the shark 

7. One of the mechanical sharks was lost at sea during filming 

8. In the scene with Chrissie's arm, to get the crabs to move someone poured hot coffee on them

9. The arm on the beach was actually a real female crew members arm that was buried because Spielberg thought that the prop arm looked too fake

10. When Spielberg first heard John Williams's theme song for the film he thought it was a joke